1. The Granddaddy of Data Blending:  Workday lets you blend internal and external data like a ninja. Imagine combining employee headcount with market trends to predict future hiring needs - mind blown!

2. Drill Down Like a Detective:  Reports too broad? No problem! Composite reports let you drill down like a data detective, uncovering granular details within specific departments, locations, or timeframes.

3. Calculated Field Chameleon:  Forget basic formulas! Craft custom calculations with Python scripting embedded within calculated fields. Manipulate data like a pro and unlock hidden insights never before seen.

4. Data Whisperer Mode Activated:  Data lineage reveals the exact source of each data point in your report. No more confusion or guesswork - become a data whisperer with complete confidence in your insights.

5. Schedule Your Insights (No Alarm Clock Needed):  Tired of manually refreshing reports? Schedule them to automatically update and deliver fresh insights directly to your inbox or colleagues' dashboards. Stay ahead of the curve and let the data come to you.

6. The "Custom Chart Canvas":  Move beyond bar charts and pie graphs! Build stunning and informative custom visualizations that captivate your audience and tell your data story like never before.

7. Speak the Language of Data Blending:  Master the art of blending Workday data with external sources like spreadsheets, CRMs, and marketing platforms. Paint a holistic picture of your business and uncover hidden patterns others miss.

8. Security Blanket for Your Data:  Rest assured, your data is safe with Workday's robust security features. Role-based access control and data encryption safeguard sensitive information, letting you focus on analysis, not anxieties.

9. Version Control Like a Boss:  Track changes, revert to previous versions, and collaborate seamlessly with Workday's version control system. No more data confusion or lost work - just a clear audit trail for complete peace of mind.

10. Dynamic Parameters: The Future of Reporting:  Craft reports that adapt to ever-changing data landscapes. Use dynamic parameters to filter by date, department, or any other relevant criteria, ensuring your reports stay fresh and relevant.

11. Workday Narratives: Storytelling with Data:  Don't just present data, weave a narrative! Embed rich text, images, and even videos into your reports to captivate your audience and add context to your insights.

12. Go Global with Multi-Currency Support:  Analyze data from across the globe with ease. Workday's multi-currency support lets you switch currencies on the fly, ensuring accurate and insightful reports regardless of location.

13. Performance Powerhouse: Optimize Your Workflows:  Don't let slow data pipelines drag you down. Workday offers performance optimization tools to identify and устранить bottlenecks, keeping your analysis running at peak speed.

14. The "Find a Person" Secret Weapon:  Forget endless scrolling! Use Workday's advanced search features to instantly locate colleagues, even by nickname or past projects. This handy trick is often missing from free training.

15. Security Blanket for Your Data:  Rest assured, your data is safe with Workday's robust security features. Role-based access control and data encryption safeguard sensitive information, letting you focus on analysis, not anxieties.