1. Keyboard Shortcuts are Your Superpower:  Ditch the mouse! Master keyboard shortcuts for lightning-fast navigation, data entry, and actions. Free training videos often gloss over these time-saving gems.

2. The Custom Menu Hack:  Craft your own personalized Workday menu! Drag and drop your favorite tasks, reports, and shortcuts for instant access. This hidden feature is rarely mentioned in free training. 

3. Data Cleansing Power with Filters:  Go beyond basic filters! Utilize Workday's advanced filtering options to clean, segment, and manipulate data for precise analysis. Free training often skips these pro tips. 

4. Reporting Beyond Bar Charts:  Unleash your inner data artist! Craft stunning and informative reports with Workday's custom visualization tools. Free training usually sticks to the basics. 

5. Workflow Automation Mastery:  Automate repetitive tasks! Workday's workflow capabilities can handle approvals, data updates, and notifications - free training rarely dives this deep. 

6. The "Find a Person" Secret Weapon:  Forget endless scrolling! Use Workday's advanced search features to instantly locate colleagues, even by nickname or past projects. This handy trick is often missing from free training. 

7. The Power of Workday Bookmarks:  Save your favorite dashboards, reports, and searches for instant access. Bookmarks are crucial for efficiency, but free training might not emphasize them. 

8. Version Control Like a Pro:  Track changes, revert to previous versions, and collaborate seamlessly with Workday's version control system. Free training usually focuses on basic data entry. 

9. Master Custom Fields:  Don't be limited by standard fields! Craft custom fields to capture specific data points and personalize your Workday experience. This advanced feature is rarely covered in free training. 

10. The Global Search Bar:  Search across ALL Workday data! Utilize the global search bar for lightning-fast access to anything, from employees to reports to documents. Free training may not mention this hidden gem. 

11. Workday Narratives: Beyond Numbers, Tell Stories:  Embed images, videos, and rich text into your reports to captivate your audience and add context to your data. Free training usually focuses on technical aspects. 

12. Mobile Workday: Work Smarter, Not Harder:  Access Workday on the go! Utilize the mobile app for approvals, data entry, and staying connected to your team. Free training might not highlight mobile functionalities. 

13. Data Import/Export: Break Down the Silos:  Seamlessly import and export data from other systems, breaking down data silos and fostering collaboration. Free training often skips this powerful feature. 

14. Performance Optimization: Speed Up Your Workday:  Identify and устранить bottlenecks with Workday's performance optimization tools. Keep your workflow running smoothly, a topic rarely covered in free training. 

15. The Learning Center Gem:  Workday's Learning Center is a treasure trove of hidden resources! Explore white papers, case studies, and expert tips to deepen your Workday knowledge. Free training may not point you to this valuable resource.