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Informatica IDQ Setup

Informatica IDQ Setup


There are two parts to the Data Quality Integration plug-in: a server and a client.


To install and register the plug-in, ( informatica idq setup) follow the instructions below:


On the PowerCenter Integration Service machine, run the Server installer.
On the PowerCenter client machine, run the Client installer..
Register the IDQZIntegration.xml file with the PowerCenter repository.


System Prerequisites
informatica idq setup
The PowerCenter applications and services to which the Informatica Data Quality Integration plug-in is installed have the same system requirements as the Informatica Data Quality Integration plug-in.
Consult the PowerCenter installation documentation for information on PowerCenter prerequisites and system requirements.


Before You Install
If you use reference data in PowerCenter, keep the following installer behavior in mind ( informatica idq setup).
The PowerCenter Integration Service machine receives property files from the Integration plug-in installer. The location of the reference data files that data quality mappings can read is specified in the property files.


The following files are created by the installer:
• AD50.cfg: Configuration properties for address reference data are stored in this file.informatica idq setup
• CLASSIFIER. Properties. Stores classifier model data configuration properties.
• IDQTx.cfg: Configuration parameters for identification population data are stored in this file.
• NER.properties. Configuration properties for probabilistic model data are stored here.


The installer adds the files to the following directory:
Installing the Server Plug-in
Data quality transformation application files are added to the PowerCenter Integration Service directory structure by the Informatica Data Quality Integration Server plug-in installer.


Installing on Windows [informatica idq setup]
1.To install the plug-in on a PowerCenter Integration Service system running on a Windows platform, run the Windows Server installer.
2.Before you install, make sure you close all other program
Log in to the machine with a system user account.
3.Extract the Integration Server file for Windows.
4.Browse to the directory where you extracted the files and run
5.Select a language and click OK
6.On the Welcome screen, click Next
7.Verify that PowerCenter services are not running and click OK
8.Specify the path to the PowerCenter installation directory. The installer provides a default path to this directory. To select another path, click
9.Click Next
10.Review the pre-installation summary. Click Previous to fix any error.
11.Click Install
12.Review the post-installation summary.
For more information about installation tasks and to view configuration properties for the installed components, view the installation log files.
13.Click Done


Installing on UNIX
informatica idq setup
Run the UNIX Server installer to add the plug-in to a PowerCenter Integration
Service machine on a UNIX platform.
1.Log in to the machine with a system user account.
2.Close all other applications.
3.Extract the Integration Server file for UNIX.
4.Open a UNIX shell and navigate to the directory where you extracted the installation files.
5.Enter sh install.bin
6.To accept English as the installation language, press Enter
7.Read the Welcome text and press Enter
8.Type an absolute path to the PowerCenter installation directory, or press Enter
to accept the default path.
9.Review the pre-installation summary. To fix any error, type back and press Enter(informatica idq setup)
10.Press Enter to start the installation.
11.Review the post-installation summary.
For more information about installation tasks and to view configuration properties for the installed components, view the installation log files.
12.Press Enter to complete the installation process.


Installing the Client Plug-in
Run the Data Quality Integration Client installer on PowerCenter Client machines.
1.Close all other applications.
2.Extract the Integration Client file.
3.Open the directory where you extracted the files.
4.Run install.exe
5.On the Welcome screen[informatica idq setup], click Next . The installer displays a prompt to close PowerCenter client applications before continuing the installation.
6. Verify that no PowerCenter client applications are running and click OK
7. Specify the path to the PowerCenter Client directory. The installer provides a default path to this directory. To select another path, click Choose
8. Click Next
9. Review the pre-installation summary. Click Previous to fix any error.
10. Click Install
11. Review the post-installation summary.

For more information about installation tasks and to view configuration properties for the installed components, view the installation log files.
12.Click Done
Registering the Plug-In with PowerCenter
Register the plug-in with any PowerCenter repository that you want to contain data quality objects.
The Integration installer writes the
plug-in file to the

directory on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine. Verify that you can access the file. If required, copy or FTP the file to the PowerCenter Integration Service machine.
• To register the plug-in, run the pmrep Register Plugin command. Include the
-N option when you run the command.

For more information about the pmrep Register Plugin command, see the
Informatica Command


Question and Answer

Master data management (MDM) is a comprehensive method of enabling an enterprise to link all of its critical data to one file, called a master file, that provides a common point of reference. When properly done, MDM streamlines data sharing among personnel and departments.

  • There are two types of table involved in Dimensional Modeling and this model concept is different from the third normal form. Dimensional data model concept makes use of facts table containing the measurements of the business and dimension table containing the measurement context.

A data movement mode determines how the power center server handles the character data. We choose the data movement in the Informatica server configuration settings. Two types of data movement modes available in Informatica.

It’s a matter of awareness and the problem becoming urgent. We are seeing budgets increased and greater success in closing deals, particularly in the Pharmaceutical and Financial services industries. Forrester predicts MDM will be $6 billion markets by 2010, which is a 60 percent growth rate over the $1 billion MDM market last year. Gartner forecasted that 70 percent of Global 2000 companies will have an MDM solution by the year 2010. These are pretty big numbers

We can export repository and import into the new environment
We can use Informatica deployment groups
We can Copy folders/objects
We can Export each mapping to XML and import in a new environment

It is a repository object that helps in generating, modifying or passing data. In a mapping, transformations make a representation of the operations integrated with service performs on the data. All the data goes by transformation ports that are only linked with maple or mapping.

Foreign keys of dimension tables are the primary keys of entity tables.
Foreign keys of facts tables are the primary keys of dimension tables.

A Mapplet is a reusable object that contains a set of transformations and enables to reuse that transformation logic in multiple mappings.

There are two different ways to load data in dimension tables.
Conventional (Slow) – All the constraints and keys are validated against the data before, it is loaded; this way data integrity is maintained.
Direct (Fast) – All the constraints and keys are disabled before the data is loaded. Once data is loaded, it is validated against all the constraints and keys. If data is found invalid or dirty it is not included in the index and all future processes are skipped on this data. 

Designed by Informatica Corporation, it is data integration software providing an environment that lets data loading into a centralized location like a data warehouse. From here, data can be easily extracted from an array of sources, also can be transformed as per the business logic and then can be easily loaded into files as well as relation targets.