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Workday Payroll - 2. Overview

Workday Training Highlights

📅 Manual creation of a monthly schedule involves setting up 12 pay periods with specific start and end dates.

🏃‍♂️ The Run category defines which employees are paid in a particular payroll run and distinguishes between regular, bonus, or commission payments.

💸 Pay components, representing earnings or deductions, are linked to employee statuses, such as termination or leave.

🌐 The video emphasizes the importance of understanding and reviewing the Run category setup in Workday Payroll.

📝 Viewers are encouraged to create their own Run category as part of the learning process.

Workday Training - Key moments

Here are the summary titles with time for the provided video information:

  • Creating Monthly Schedule 00:05

    • Learn how to manually set up a US monthly payroll schedule, dealing with payday variations like weekends, and defining period start, end dates, and payment dates for 12 periods in a year.


  • Period Schedule Setup 02:29

    • Follow the steps to create 12 period schedules for 2019, understanding the importance of period begin dates, end dates, and payment dates in the monthly payroll framework.


  • Understanding Run Categories 05:09

    • Explore the significance of run categories in payroll, distinguishing between regular, bonus, and commission categories, and how they determine the frequency and nature of employee payments.


  • Run Category Setup 06:34

    • Dive into the details of setting up run categories, including defining the employee population, selecting the country, and understanding the on-cycle and off-cycle processing based on worker statuses.


  • Pay Component Configuration 08:39

    • Learn how to configure pay components in run categories, specifying which earnings and deductions are processed for active and terminated employees, ensuring accurate payroll calculations.


  • Calculating Long-Term Disability Pay 11:07

    • Understand the process of calculating long-term disability pay for employees on leave, linking the criteria on worker status and leave types to ensure correct additional payments.


  • Processing Terminated Employee Payments 12:44

    • Explore the components and criteria for processing payments for terminated employees, covering salary-based pays, vacation, and other associated components in the payroll system.


  • Short-Term Disability Pay Setup 13:25

    • Configure the system to process short-term disability pay for employees within your pay group on leave, understanding the criteria and components associated with this specific payroll scenario.

Workday Training FAQ’s

Q: What is the first step mentioned in the video for creating a US monthly schedule?

A: The first step involves creating a monthly schedule for the US, specifically focusing on setting up 12 pay periods in a year. The schedule can be created manually or through EBS, with attention to handling paydays falling on weekends by adjusting payment dates accordingly.

Q: What is the significance of the Period start date, end date, and payment date in the monthly schedule creation process?

A: The Period start date, end date, and payment date in the monthly schedule define the time frame for each pay period. These dates are crucial as they determine when employees will be paid, with specific attention to details like the last day of the month and adjustments for weekends. This information is essential for accurate payroll processing.

Q: In the context of the Run category, what factors does the video highlight for determining which employees are processed in a particular payroll run?

A: The video explains that the Run category controls the selection of employees for a payroll run. It takes into account the status of employees, such as active, terminated with one-time compensation, terminated with retroactive events, etc. This selection ensures that only relevant employees are processed in a particular payroll run.

Q: How does the video emphasize the role of the Run category in managing different types of payroll, such as regular, bonus, or commission payments?

A: The video underscores that the Run category is pivotal in determining the nature of the payroll run, whether it is regular, bonus, or commission. It clarifies that regular salary or base pay is typically processed on cycle, while bonuses and commissions may be processed off cycle. This distinction is crucial for accurate payroll processing based on various compensation structures.


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