Streamlining the process of adding multiple entitlements by importing CSV files.
Understanding the format and procedure for bulk entitlement loading in IQ.
SailPoint Training FAQ’s
Q: What is the significance of correlation in Identity and Access Management (IAM)?
A: Correlation in IAM is crucial as it maps accounts to identities. It distinguishes between accounts (users on the target application) and identities (users on Identity IQ). Correlation is mandatory for non-authorized applications, ensuring a link between accounts and identities.
Q: Why is identity correlation not used for authorized applications in IAM?
A: Identity correlation is not utilized for authorized applications because identities for these applications are derived from the authorized source itself. IQ creates identities based on authorized application accounts. Therefore, correlation is unnecessary as identities are already established.
Q: What is the purpose of defining a risk model in IAM, and how is it applied to identities?
A: A risk model in IAM defines the risk associated with identities, categorizing them based on risk levels. It calculates which identities pose higher or lower risks. The risk model assists in assessing and managing the security posture of identities within the system.
Q: When onboarding a new application in Identity IQ, what is the initial step, and where should you navigate?
A: To onboard a new application in Identity IQ, the first step is to go to the “Applications” tab and click on “Application Definitions.” For application onboarding, you initiate the process by adding a new application within this section.