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Workday Integration - 2. Overview

Workday Training Highlights

🧭 Workday lacks traditional menus for navigation, relying instead on search and related action icons.

🔄 Navigation is possible through the search box and related action icons, with two main methods: running and modifying tasks or reports.

🔍 The search box is crucial for navigation, offering results categorized into tasks and reports or all of Workday.

🤔 Understanding the difference between tasks and reports is essential; tasks are actions while reports display data based on parameters.

🛠️ Running a task or report is equivalent to executing it, while modifying involves accessing it under "all of Workday.

🧠 Smart search allows for refined searches by specifying preferences such as custom reports.

📝 Search prefixes, like "R" for reports and "RDT" for modifying reports, further tailor search results.

❓ Typing "?" in the search box provides a list of all available search prefixes and their definitions.

Workday Training - Key moments

Here are the summary titles with time for the provided video information:

  • Workday Integration Overview 00:00

    • Introduction to Human Capital Management (HCM) applications like Workday
    • Explanation of navigation in Workday without traditional menus.


  • Understanding Workday Navigation 04:12

    • Navigation methods in Workday: search box and related action icon
    • Explanation of search box functionality for navigation purposes.


  • Navigating with the Search Box 08:58

    • Detailed walkthrough of using the search box in Workday
    • Differentiating between search results in task and reports sections.


  • Task and Report Sections in Workday 11:15

    • Understanding the distinction between tasks and reports in Workday
    • Clarification on executing tasks and modifying reports.


  • Utilizing Smart Search in Workday 13:41

    • Explanation of smart search functionality for specific searches in Workday
    • Utilizing search prefixes to refine search results.


  • Exploring Search Prefixes in Workday 18:15

    • Overview of various search prefixes available in Workday
    • Understanding the role of familiarity in selecting appropriate search prefixes.

Workday Training FAQ’s

Q: What is HCM?

A: HCM stands for Human Capital Management. It encompasses various applications like Oracle HCM, SAP, Workday, and others, facilitating tasks related to workforce management and HR operations.

Q: How does navigation differ in Workday compared to other HCM applications?

A: Unlike traditional HCM applications with menu-driven navigation, Workday lacks a main menu. Instead, navigation in Workday primarily relies on two methods: using the search box and the related action icon.

Q: What is the significance of the search box in Workday navigation?

A: The search box in Workday is crucial for navigation, as it allows users to swiftly move between pages by searching for specific tasks or reports. It enables efficient access to various functionalities within the application.

Q: How does Workday's smart search feature enhance navigation efficiency?

A: Workday’s smart search feature enhances navigation efficiency by allowing users to specify their search criteria, such as searching only for custom reports or tasks. By utilizing search prefixes like “R” for reports or “RDT” for modifying reports, users can streamline their search results and focus on relevant items, improving overall productivity.


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