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Workday Reporting and Calculations -3. Create Calculated Field

Workday Training Highlights

💡 Prompts can be used to set up values based on selected fields in Workday Reporting.

💡 Examples include determining referral points earned in a specific time period.

💡 Dynamic prompt values change based on selections, while static values remain constant.

Workday Training - Key moments

Here are the summary titles with time for the provided video information:

  • Introduction to Workday Reporting 00:00

    • The video discusses setting up prompts based on fields in Workday reporting.
    • Demonstrates creating a calculated field on a lookup field with prompts.
    • Explains how prompts values are determined based on the selected field, such as start date or end date.


  • Dynamic and Static Prompt Values 03:02

    • Distinction between dynamic and static prompt values in Workday reporting.
    • Dynamic values change based on the selection, like last year’s count or last day of the previous year.
    • Static values, such as specific dates like last day of last month, can also be utilized for reporting purposes.

Workday Training FAQ’s

Q: What is the purpose of setting up prompts in a lookup field?

A: Prompts in a lookup field allow you to provide input based on the source field, which can be used to return specific values or information for that field.

Q: How can dynamic prompt values be used in a lookup field with prompts?

A: Dynamic prompt values, such as determining values at runtime like the last day of last year, can be utilized to automatically adjust and provide relevant information each time the field is run.

Q: What are some use cases for utilizing prompts in a lookup field?

A: One common use case is determining referral points earned by an employee within a specific time period, such as one year or two years, by setting up prompts for start and end dates.

Q: Can static values be used in a lookup field with prompts?

A: Yes, static values like specifying a constant value can be used in a lookup field with prompts, alongside dynamic values like the last day of last month or last year for more flexible and automated data retrieval.


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