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Workday Reporting and Calculations - 4. WP Sample Report

Workday Training Highlights

[⚙️] Explanation of selecting data sources and primary business objects.

[🔍] Adding fields to the report and customizing column headings.

[💬] Creating report tags to categorize and identify different reports.

Workday Training - Key moments

Here are the summary titles with time for the provided video information:

  • Introduction to Workday Reporting 00:00

    • Explaining the process of editing a report definition in Workday.
    • Choosing the report name, type, data source, and primary business object.
    • Accessing additional data sources within the same business object for flexibility.


  • Adding Information and Tags 02:38

    • Describing how to add information about the data source in the report.
    • Tagging reports for easy identification and categorization.
    • Selecting multiple tags for reports such as acquisition-related or absence-related.


  • Customizing Report Fields 05:30

    • Adding fields to the report to display specific data.
    • Demonstrating how to search for and add fields like worker and hire date.
    • Explaining column heading override to customize field headings.
    • Formatting numeric values like age and currency fields.
    • Utilizing options for aggregate functions and currency symbols in reports.

Workday Training FAQ’s

Q: What are the key components of a report definition in the video content?

A: The key components of a report definition include the report name, report type, data source type, primary business object, additional information about the data source, and the ability to add tags to categorize the report.

Q: How can you customize the fields displayed in a report in the video content?

A: In the video content, you can customize the fields displayed in a report by adding or removing fields such as worker information, hire date, total base pay, and annualized amount. You can also override column headings, apply formatting, and choose display options for each field.

Q: What is the purpose of tagging reports in the video content?

A: Tagging reports in the video content allows users to categorize and organize their reports based on specific criteria. This feature helps in identifying and grouping reports for easier access and management within the reporting system.

Q: How can you save and finalize a customized report in the video content?

A: To save and finalize a customized report in the video content, you can make your desired changes to the report fields, formatting, and options, then click “OK” to automatically save the report. This process ensures that your customized report settings are retained for future use.


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