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UiPath Free Training - 2 : Overview

UiPath Training Highlights

[⚙️] UiPath Assistant acts as an agent between Orchestrator and Studio.

[🤖] Different types of robots include attended, unattended, RPA developer, and more.

[🔌] Connection between Studio, Assistant, and Orchestrator is crucial for automation processes.

UiPath Training - Key moments

Here are the summary titles with time for the provided video information:

  • Introduction to UiPath Components 00:00

    • UiPath client-side components consist of UiPath Assistant and UiPath Studio.
    • In the development environment, UiPath Studio and UiPath Assistant need to be installed.
    • Different types of robots in UiPath include attended, unattended, RPA developer, citizen developer, and more.


  • Setting Up Robots in UiPath 02:57

    • Different types of robots are required for development, production, and testing environments.
    • Each machine is identified by a machine name, connected to a robot.
    • Robots can be attended or unattended based on the need for human intervention.


  • UiPath Studio and Studio Pro 09:21

    • UiPath offers different Studio versions: Studio, Studio Pro, and Studio X.
    • Studio Pro includes a testing tool, suitable for developers.
    • Studio X is designed for non-developers, focusing on tasks like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint automation.


  • Role of UiPath Assistant 12:46

    • UiPath Assistant acts as an agent between the orchestrator and Studio.
    • It facilitates communication and coordination between the orchestrator and Studio for seamless automation processes.

UiPath Training FAQ’s

Q: What are the two main components on the client side in UiPath?

A: The two main components on the client side in UiPath are UiPath Assistant and UiPath Studio.

Q: What is the role of UiPath Assistant in connecting UiPath Studio and the Orchestrator?

A: UiPath Assistant acts as an intermediate agent between UiPath Studio and the Orchestrator, facilitating the connection between the two.

Q: What are the different types of robots available in UiPath, and how are they categorized?

A: The different types of robots in UiPath include attended RPA, unattended RPA, developer, citizen developer, and more. They are categorized based on their functionality and level of human intervention required.

Q: What is the difference between UiPath Studio and UiPath Studio Pro, and which type is more suitable for technical users?

A: UiPath Studio Pro includes a testing tool, making it more suitable for technical users and developers. In contrast, UiPath Studio X is designed for non-technical users, such as business users who primarily work with applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


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