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UiPath Free Training - 3 : Assistance and UiPath Studio

UiPath Training Highlights

🖥️ The server side consists of components like SQL Server or cloud and the orchestrator.

🌐 Community Edition of UiPath does not require software installation on the server side, while Enterprise Edition needs SQL Server.

🤖 Orchestrator functions include user management, role management, assets and queue management, deploying and managing packages, and running and scheduling processes.

UiPath Training - Key moments

Here are the summary titles with time for the provided video information:

  • Server-Side Architecture Overview 00:02

    • The server-side architecture consists of two components: a database (SQL Server or Cloud) and an orchestrator, which is a web application.
    • The orchestrator is where all created, edited, and modified data is stored.
    • The Community Edition of UiPath is being used, which is free to download from the UiPath website.


  • Community vs. Enterprise Editions 04:40

    • The Community Edition is free to download from the UiPath website, while the Enterprise Edition requires a SQL Server for operation.
    • Users can register for the Community Edition using various accounts like Google, Microsoft, or LinkedIn.
    • The Community Edition stores data in the UiPath Cloud, while the Enterprise Edition stores data in a SQL Server.


  • UiPath Cloud and Orchestrator 08:18

    • Users of the Community Edition are provided with a separate memory space in the UiPath Cloud, known as a tenant.
    • The orchestrator in UiPath Cloud stores data like processes, assets, queues, triggers, and users.
    • The orchestrator serves as a central location for user interaction and automation management.


  • Orchestrator Functionality 12:11

    • The orchestrator allows for user management, role management, asset and queue management, deployment of bots, and scheduling processes on different machines.
    • It acts as a server where developers store their bots for easy access and management.
  • Client-Side Setup 16:24

    • No software installation is required on the server-side for the Community Edition; users only need to register on the UiPath website.
    • Enterprise Edition users need to install additional software like SQL Server for operation.
    • Users can differentiate between Community and Enterprise Editions during the registration process on the UiPath website.

UiPath Training FAQ’s

Q: What are the two components on the server side in the architecture discussed in the video?

A: The two components on the server side are the SQL Server or a cloud, along with the orchestrator which acts as the front-end layer.

Q: What is the difference between the Enterprise Edition and Community Edition of UIPath?

A: The Enterprise Edition requires a SQL Server for deployment, while the Community Edition is free and does not require any software installation on the server side.

Q: What functionalities can be performed on the orchestrator in the UIPath architecture?

A: The orchestrator allows for user management, role management, assets and queue management, as well as deploying and managing packages, running and scheduling processes on different machines.

Q: Where is the data stored in the UIPath architecture for Community Edition users?

A: For Community Edition users, the data is stored in the UIPath Cloud, while for Enterprise Edition users, the data is stored in a SQL Server database.


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